One Year at Amazon and Seattle
On Jan 7th, 2009 I completed a year at Amazon and Seattle!
What a year it has been! At first I had some doubts about leaving all the people I know (at NYC) and coming over to a new far away place and to a radically different organization. But, now that I look back on it, and I hope I am not speaking too soon, it looks like it was one of the best decisions in my life!
Thanks to Amazon and my colleagues (special thanks goes to Ali Rizvi) and the awesome community of brilliant engineers at Amazon I have gained a totally new view of technology in the large, programming to be concise.
It’s a world I am loving and living every moment. And the Stocks that you get after a year helps too
And I met Ujwala here! Bet you’ll be hearing a lot about that!
So what do you think? Hasn’t it been an awesome year?