ARCL Prize Distribution Ceremony
You know I play cricket in the summer regularly? Yeah – we all play in the Eagles Team.
We did well in the 2008 Summer season. We won 6 out of 9 league matches (and the first was a very thrilling tie). In the last league match we even scored 102 for 1 wicket (the highest and only 100+ opening partnership) – and I scored 47 there. So we came out 3rd in the league and got promoted to the next level for 2009.
See my earlier post regarding this.
So last Saturday, Jan 24th, we had the ARCL prize distribution ceremony (at Microsoft Cafe #43)
It was good. But
1) we reached late – so didn’t get food
2) we came third – and got a nice team trophy. But the 1st and the 2nd spots get personal trophies with names engraved! Well next year!Here’s the link to the ARCL site 2008 Summer league – it’s one of those sites that work well only on IE (or IE tab, for hardcore FFox-ers).
BTW, is the site screaming for a scrapping-goodness?
Update on 02-Feb-2009 – Bharat took an iPhone pic of the trophy – it looks damn good!
[![ARCL Summer 2008 3rd Place Trophy (Eagles)][8]][8] ARCL Summer 2008 3rd Place Trophy (Eagles)