Missing the Spam From Me?
I love feeding on bits of information. The world is full of interesting things and the Internet has a thousand ways of feeding you all that.
If you are not this type of a person – and like to live in your own shell (nothing bad with that) – you can stop reading now – and use your time well doing something else. Like living in your own shell.
Back to the topic – I do skim most of the info dished out at me. Some I keep in my “hmmm” folder of my brain (you guessed it – doesn’t stick long), some I delicious-mark. The rest are the really interesting ones – I find it hard to not share with people I know.
Like this – http://bit.ly/17q25 written by @zen_habits (this article is on how to use twitter well – I have a truckload, or maybe a trainload of people I know, who tell me – “What is twitter anyway? Just another Social Media Platform? Why would I want to go to yet another site? Is Facebook/Orkut/MySpace/insert-your-fav-social-media-network<insert-your-fav-social-nw> not enough already?” This is an</insert-your-fav-social-nw> excellent article on why and how twitter.)
How can I not make my friends read this?
No more – I just twit it now – with the knowledge that whoever wants to eat info-blurbs like I do will follow me and read it.
That’s why I urge you my friends/social-beings/netizens, give the article above a read – here it is again for effect – http://bit.ly/17q25
If you do get convinced that twitter is a big idea, can be useful to you and actually help in reducing spam, get an account fast.You can follow me if you like – http://twitter.com/or9ob Or check out the people I follow – there are some interesting folks – and follow them instead.
And finally, here are some interesting/info on why/how etc. of twitter: http://delicious.com/arnab.deka/twitterIf you are still not convinced and take nothing else from this blog, take this back – you can rest assured that you’ll get spam from one less person now on.